Yifei Xu


396 Eng VI, UCLA
Google Scholar

About me

I am currently a third-year PhD student at UCLA CS Department. I am fortunate to work with Prof. Songwu Lu and the amazing members in the WiNG. I am excited to explore machine learning and systems (Sys for ML + ML for Sys), as well as the networking perspective of cloud and edge computing. Prior to UCLA, I received my B.S. in Computer Science from Peking University. During my undergrad, I also did interesting research over sketch-based algorithms under the supervision of Prof. Tong Yang.

What’s New

[Feb. 2024] Our work CloudEval-YAML is accepted by MLSys 2024. See you in Santa Clara!

[Jan. 2024] I will be joining Networking Research Group at Microsoft Research as a Research Intern in Summer 2024. See you in Redmond!

[Nov. 2023] Our preliminary work on CloudEval-YAML is accepted by NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on ML for Systems. Check out the code here. See you in New Orleans!


Conference Papers

CloudEval-YAML: A Practical Benchmark for Cloud Configuration Generation
Yifei Xu*, Yuning Chen*, Xumiao Zhang*, Xianshang Lin, Pan Hu, Yunfei Ma, Songwu Lu, Wan Du, Z. Morley Mao, Ennan Zhai, Dennis Cai
MLSys 2024 [pdf] [code]

SEED: a SIM-based solution to 5G failures
Jinghao Zhao, Zhaowei Tan, Yifei Xu, Zhehui Zhang, Songwu Lu
SIGCOMM 2022 [pdf]

Device-Based LTE Latency Reduction at the Application Layer
Zhaowei Tan, Jinghao Zhao, Yuanjie Li, Yifei Xu, Songwu Lu
NSDI ’21 [pdf]

A Multi-Metric Ranking Approach for Library Migration Recommendations
Hao He, Yulin Xu, Yixiao Ma, Yifei Xu, Guangtai Liang, Minghui Zhou
IEEE SANER 2021 [pdf]

WavingSketch: An Unbiased and Generic Sketch for Finding Top-k Items in Data Streams
Jizhou Li*, Zikun Li*, Yifei Xu*, Shiqi Jiang, Tong Yang, Bin Cui, Yafei Dai and Gong Zhang
SIGKDD 2020 [pdf]


Unbiased Real-time Traffic Sketching
Yuhan Wu*, Shiqi Jiang*, Yifei Xu*, Siyuan Dong, Kaicheng Yang, Peiqing Chen, Tong Yang

LDRP: Device-Centric Latency Diagnostic and Reduction for Cellular Networks Without Root
Zhaowei Tan, Jinghao Zhao, Yuanjie Li, Yifei Xu, Yunqi Guo, Songwu Lu
IEEE TMC [pdf]

Workshops, Posters, and Demos

CloudEval-YAML: A Realistic and Scalable Benchmark for Cloud Configuration Generation
Yifei Xu*, Yuning Chen*, Xumiao Zhang*, Xianshang Lin, Pan Hu, Yunfei Ma, Songwu Lu, Wan Du, Z. Morley Mao, Ennan Zhai, Dennis Cai
NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on ML for Systems [pdf]

PISketch: finding persistent and infrequent flows
Zhuochen Fan, Zhoujing Hu, Yuhan Wu, Jiarui Guo, Wenrui Liu, Tong Yang, Hengrui Wang, Yifei Xu, Steve Uhlig, Yaofeng Tu
SIGCOMM 2022 Workshop on FFSPIN [pdf]

* co-first author


TA in UCLA CS Dept since 2022, courses include:
CS 180 - Introduction to Algorithms and Complexity
CS 118 - Computer Network Fundamentals
CS 31 - Introduction to Computer Science I
CS 35L - Software Construction